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当前位置:  > 创业资讯 > 教育加盟资讯 > 热门小吃店加盟(什么小吃最火?40个火爆小吃店加盟好点子!)
更新时间: 2021-01-14 19:12 作者: 36创业加盟网 点击次数: 
江博士童鞋 ¥10-20万

所属行业: 童鞋

品牌源地: 浙江省

公司名称: Dr.Kong(江博士)健康鞋


Pian'erchuan noodles is a famous specialty of Hangzhou Kuiyuan Hall, and it is also a Hangzhou snack. When cooking, use lean pork slices, along with bamboo shoots and pickled vegetables, and roast them with the noodles. The meat slices on this side are fresh and tender, and the bamboo shoots of the pickled cabbage have a bright green and white color. Zhiwei Xiaolong Hangzhou Zhiweiguan flavor to eat. When cooking, use fermented refined white flour as the skin, fresh meat, or fresh meat mixed with shrimp, or chicken mixed with ham as filling, add special meat skin jelly to the filling, and then put it in a special small steamer and steam it with rapid fire They are called fresh meat dumplings, shrimp meat dumplings, and chicken fire dumplings. These steamed buns are juicy and fresh, with thin and smooth skin, but with different tastes.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 35 Shuangyan Wontons

Wonton is also called dumpling bait. Earlier, Changsha operated dumpling bait, mostly for shoulder-feeding, hand-operated small gongs, commonly known as dumpling bait, and walking around the streets. At night, there is a lamp, and the gong beeps two or three times, shouting and selling for supper. In 1925, the Yanyan Wonton Shop opened at the South Gate, and in 1944 it was renamed Shuangyan Wonton Shop. Both generations of shopkeepers belonged to the family of wontons, and their craftsmanship made wontons ten times the price, making them one of the famous local snacks in Changsha.

Shuangyan wonton noodles should be made of high-quality white noodles, finely rolled, thin as paper, soft as satin, stretchy, and tough to eat. Each piece is the same size. For the filling, take the fresh lean pork leg and mix it with an appropriate amount of fat, and mince it into a mashed meat. Then add an appropriate amount of water, salt and monosodium glutamate, and stir vigorously in one direction to make the mashed meat eat through the moisture. Not rotten, tender and loose. Double swallow wontons have larger meat fillings than other places, and they are carefully wrapped. Each wonton is in the shape of a dovetail. Once the wrapped wontons are put in the pan, they will have a thin, gauze-like skin that shrinks by heat and presents many wrinkles, so they are called crepe wontons. Wonton soup is made of stock with sauerkraut, chopped green onion and monosodium glutamate. The oil is heavy and flavorful, and it is extremely delicious.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 36 Kirin Crisps

Kirin crisp is a famous snack in Beijing Longfu Temple.

Raw material formula: flour 2. 5 kg of oil, 100 g of caramel, 500 g of sugar, 600 g of steamed dry flour, 75 g of flour


1. Decorative fabric: 500 grams of sugar and 75 grams of steamed dry flour, mix well and set aside.

2. Dough making: Add 5 kg of flour 2. to water to make old noodles, add alkali and homogenize to make dough.

3. Forming: Add 100 grams of sugar, 100 grams of oil, and 500 grams of caramel to the mixed dough, knead together, knead into long strips, pick 37.5 grams of billets, press and flatten them into rounds .

4.Frying: Fry in a warm oil pan, deep fry out of the pan, deep fry on low heat, and bulge in the middle.

5.Finish: Pour the fried dough into the decorative fabric and roll it.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 37 thin leather bags

The thin leather bag is one of the famous snacks in Nanjing Liuchangxing Noodle House, with a history of more than 60 years.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 38 Kaiji Green Bean Paste

Mung bean paste is a very popular dessert in Guangzhou. Located at No. 889 Longjin East Road, Liwan District, the dried tangerine peel shelled mung bean paste made by Kaiji Desserts is unique for its smooth and sweet flavor, clearing heat and relieving heat, and unique flavor, and is well-known in Yangcheng. The owner, Ye Jiankai, was also called doushakai for this reason. Kaiji mung bean paste uses fresh color and high-quality mung beans as raw materials, adds an appropriate amount of vanilla and tangerine peel, and seasons with white sugar and brown sugar. It is boiled in a proper heat, and the mung beans are boiled until they become sandy. to make.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 39 Dan Dan Noodles

Dan Dan noodles have been in stores in Chengdu for 40 to 50 years. It comes from noodle dumplings sold by vendors along the street. One end of the load is a pot and stove, and the other end is placed with noodles, bowls and prepared seasonings. Now the famous Dandan noodle shop in Chengdu is opened next to the Chengdu Cultural Palace. It is characterized by thin noodles, crispy meat, green onion, sprouts, lard, and slightly soup, delicious and refreshing, not too spicy and slightly sour.

Which snack is the hottest? Hot snack bar 加盟: 40 times halogen dry

Nanjing has a long history, and Nanjing people are willing to put all kinds of snacks and history on it. For example, this ordinary retort stem was also connected with Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Legend has it that after Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne in Jinling, he was tired of the delicacies of the mountains and seas in the palace. He went out of the palace for one day. He saw a snack shop on the street with deep-fried tofu. The fragrance was full and the color was golden, and his appetite was greatly increased. He took out an ingot of silver and asked the owner to process a bowl of tofu for him to enjoy. Seeing that he was a rich gentleman, the owner immediately put the tofu fruit in the chicken soup pot, and boiled it with a small amount of soybean sprouts and seasonings, and cooked until the tofu fruit was soft and delicious. Zhu Yuanzhang praised after eating. Since then, the oily tofu has been all the rage, and it has spread to this day. Because Nanjing people often add bean sprouts in the firing process, and its shape is very similar to the jade ruyi in ancient jadeware, it is called Ruyi Huilugan.

The above are 40 more popular snack bars 加盟 recommended by the editor, I hope to help you!



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